
class moto.sagemakerruntime.models.SageMakerRuntimeBackend(region_name: str, account_id: str)

Implementation of SageMakerRuntime APIs.

Implemented features for this service

  • [X] invoke_endpoint

    This call will return static data by default.

    You can use a dedicated API to override this, by configuring a queue of expected results.

    A request to get_query_results will take the first result from that queue. Subsequent requests using the same details will return the same result. Other requests using a different QueryExecutionId will take the next result from the queue, or return static data if the queue is empty.

    Configuring this queue by making an HTTP request to /moto-api/static/sagemaker/endpoint-results. An example invocation looks like this:

    expected_results = {
        "account_id": "123456789012",  # This is the default - can be omitted
        "region": "us-east-1",  # This is the default - can be omitted
        "results": [
                 "Body": "first body",
                 "ContentType": "text/xml",
                 "InvokedProductionVariant": "prod",
                 "CustomAttributes": "my_attr",
            # other results as required
    client = boto3.client("sagemaker", region_name="us-east-1")
    details = client.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName="asdf", Body="qwer")
  • [X] invoke_endpoint_async

    This call will return static data by default.

    You can use a dedicated API to override this, by configuring a queue of expected results. Subsequent requests using the same InputLocation will return the same result. Other requests using a different InputLocation will take the next result from the queue. Please note that for backward compatibility, if the async queue is empty, the sync queue will be used, if configured.

    Configuring this queue by making an HTTP request to /moto-api/static/sagemaker/async-endpoint-results. An example invocation looks like this:

    expected_results = {
        "account_id": "123456789012",  # This is the default - can be omitted
        "region": "us-east-1",  # This is the default - can be omitted
        "results": [
                "data": json.dumps({"first": "output"}),
                "is_failure": True,
                "data": "second inference failed",
            # other results as required
    client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime", region_name="us-east-1")
    details = client.invoke_endpoint_async(EndpointName="asdf", InputLocation="qwer")
  • [ ] invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream