- class moto.ce.models.CostExplorerBackend(region_name: str, account_id: str)
Implementation of CostExplorer APIs.
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_anomaly_monitor
[ ] create_anomaly_subscription
[X] create_cost_category_definition
The EffectiveOn and ResourceTags-parameters are not yet implemented
[ ] delete_anomaly_monitor
[ ] delete_anomaly_subscription
[X] delete_cost_category_definition
The EffectiveOn-parameter is not yet implemented
[X] describe_cost_category_definition
The EffectiveOn-parameter is not yet implemented
[ ] get_anomalies
[ ] get_anomaly_monitors
[ ] get_anomaly_subscriptions
[ ] get_approximate_usage_records
[X] get_cost_and_usage
There is no validation yet on any of the input parameters.
Cost or usage is not tracked by Moto, so this call will return nothing by default.
You can use a dedicated API to override this, by configuring a queue of expected results.
A request to get_cost_and_usage will take the first result from that queue, and assign it to the provided parameters. Subsequent requests using the same parameters will return the same result. Other requests using different parameters will take the next result from the queue, or return an empty result if the queue is empty.
Configure this queue by making an HTTP request to /moto-api/static/ce/cost-and-usage-results. An example invocation looks like this:
result = { "results": [ { "ResultsByTime": [ { "TimePeriod": {"Start": "2024-01-01", "End": "2024-01-02"}, "Total": { "BlendedCost": {"Amount": "0.0101516483", "Unit": "USD"} }, "Groups": [], "Estimated": False } ], "DimensionValueAttributes": [{"Value": "v", "Attributes": {"a": "b"}}] }, { ... }, ] } resp = requests.post( "http://motoapi.amazonaws.com/moto-api/static/ce/cost-and-usage-results", json=expected_results, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 ce = boto3.client("ce", region_name="us-east-1") resp = ce.get_cost_and_usage(...)
[ ] get_cost_and_usage_with_resources
[ ] get_cost_categories
[ ] get_cost_forecast
[ ] get_dimension_values
[ ] get_reservation_coverage
[ ] get_reservation_purchase_recommendation
[ ] get_reservation_utilization
[ ] get_rightsizing_recommendation
[ ] get_savings_plan_purchase_recommendation_details
[ ] get_savings_plans_coverage
[ ] get_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation
[ ] get_savings_plans_utilization
[ ] get_savings_plans_utilization_details
[ ] get_tags
[ ] get_usage_forecast
[ ] list_cost_allocation_tag_backfill_history
[ ] list_cost_allocation_tags
[ ] list_cost_category_definitions
[ ] list_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation_generation
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] provide_anomaly_feedback
[ ] start_cost_allocation_tag_backfill
[ ] start_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation_generation
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_anomaly_monitor
[ ] update_anomaly_subscription
[ ] update_cost_allocation_tags_status
[X] update_cost_category_definition
The EffectiveOn-parameter is not yet implemented