- class moto.acmpca.models.ACMPCABackend(region_name: str, account_id: str)
Implementation of ACMPCA APIs.
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_certificate_authority
The following parameters are not yet implemented: IdempotencyToken, KeyStorageSecurityStandard, UsageMode
[ ] create_certificate_authority_audit_report
[ ] create_permission
[X] delete_certificate_authority
[ ] delete_permission
[ ] delete_policy
[X] describe_certificate_authority
[ ] describe_certificate_authority_audit_report
[X] get_certificate
The CertificateChain will always return None for now
[X] get_certificate_authority_certificate
[X] get_certificate_authority_csr
[ ] get_policy
[X] import_certificate_authority_certificate
[X] issue_certificate
The following parameters are not yet implemented: ApiPassthrough, SigningAlgorithm, Validity, ValidityNotBefore, IdempotencyToken Some fields of the resulting certificate will have default values, instead of using the CSR
[ ] list_certificate_authorities
[ ] list_permissions
[X] list_tags
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] put_policy
[ ] restore_certificate_authority
[X] revoke_certificate
This is currently a NO-OP
[X] tag_certificate_authority
[X] untag_certificate_authority
[X] update_certificate_authority