Development Installation
This is a guide how to install Moto for contributors.
The following software is assumed to be present:
Python 3.x
Checking out the code
Contributing to Moto involves forking the project. GitHub has a handy guide explaining how to do this:
Installing Moto locally
It is recommended to work from some kind of virtual environment, i.e. virtualenv, to prevent cross-contamination with other projects. From within such a virtualenv, run the following command to install all required dependencies:
make init
With all dependencies installed, run the following command to run all the tests and verify your environment is ready:
make test
Note that this may take awhile - there are many services, and each service will have a boatload of tests.
You can also run the linting checks separately:
make lint
To verify all tests pass for a specific service, for example for s3, run these commands manually:
ruff check moto/s3 tests/test_s3
ruff format --check moto/s3 tests/test_s3
pylint moto/s3 tests/test_s3
pytest -sv tests/test_s3
If ruff fails, you can run the following command to automatically format the offending files:
make format
If any of these steps fail, please see our FAQ or open an issue on Github.
Development within a Devcontainer
Moto is equipped with a devcontainer.json for use in VSCode Devcontainers and/or GitHub Codespaces.
Launching the Devcontainer or Codespace:
Configures Docker-in-Docker.
Sets up a Virtual Environment in ${workspaceFolder}/.venv.
Runs make init.
Be patient while the Devcontainer or Codespace launches as dependencies automatically installed.
Once both postCreateCommand and postStartCommand have run, open a Terminal session in VSCode and run:
source .venv/bin/activate
Then standard development on Moto can proceed, for example:
ruff check moto/s3 tests/test_s3
ruff format --check moto/s3 tests/test_s3
pylint moto/s3 tests/test_s3
pytest -sv tests/test_s3