Implemented features for this service
[X] batch_execute_statement
Please see the documentation for execute_statement to see the limitations of what is supported.
[X] batch_get_item
[X] batch_write_item
[X] create_backup
[ ] create_global_table
[X] create_table
[X] delete_backup
[X] delete_item
[X] delete_resource_policy
[X] delete_table
[X] describe_backup
[X] describe_continuous_backups
[ ] describe_contributor_insights
[X] describe_endpoints
[X] describe_export
[ ] describe_global_table
[ ] describe_global_table_settings
[X] describe_import
[ ] describe_kinesis_streaming_destination
[ ] describe_limits
[X] describe_table
[ ] describe_table_replica_auto_scaling
[X] describe_time_to_live
[ ] disable_kinesis_streaming_destination
[ ] enable_kinesis_streaming_destination
[X] execute_statement
Pagination is not yet implemented.
Parsing is highly experimental - please raise an issue if you find any bugs.
[X] execute_transaction
Please see the documentation for execute_statement to see the limitations of what is supported.
[ ] export_table_to_point_in_time
[X] get_item
[X] get_resource_policy
[X] import_table
Only InputFormat=DYNAMODB_JSON is supported so far. InputCompressionType=ZSTD is not supported. Other parameters that are not supported: InputFormatOptions, CloudWatchLogGroupArn
[X] list_backups
[ ] list_contributor_insights
[X] list_exports
[ ] list_global_tables
[ ] list_imports
[X] list_tables
[X] list_tags_of_resource
[X] put_item
[X] put_resource_policy
[X] query
[X] restore_table_from_backup
[X] restore_table_to_point_in_time
Currently this only accepts the source and target table elements, and will copy all items from the source without respect to other arguments.
[X] scan
[X] tag_resource
[X] transact_get_items
[X] transact_write_items
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_continuous_backups
[ ] update_contributor_insights
[ ] update_global_table
[ ] update_global_table_settings
[X] update_item
[ ] update_kinesis_streaming_destination
[X] update_table
[ ] update_table_replica_auto_scaling
[X] update_time_to_live