Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_alias
[ ] copy_distribution
[ ] create_anycast_ip_list
[ ] create_cache_policy
[ ] create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] create_continuous_deployment_policy
[X] create_distribution
Not all configuration options are supported yet. Please raise an issue if we’re not persisting/returning the correct attributes for your use-case.
[X] create_distribution_with_tags
[ ] create_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] create_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] create_function
[X] create_invalidation
[X] create_key_group
[ ] create_key_value_store
[ ] create_monitoring_subscription
[X] create_origin_access_control
[ ] create_origin_request_policy
[X] create_public_key
[ ] create_realtime_log_config
[ ] create_response_headers_policy
[ ] create_streaming_distribution
[ ] create_streaming_distribution_with_tags
[ ] create_vpc_origin
[ ] delete_anycast_ip_list
[ ] delete_cache_policy
[ ] delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] delete_continuous_deployment_policy
[X] delete_distribution
The IfMatch-value is ignored - any value is considered valid. Calling this function without a value is invalid, per AWS’ behaviour
[ ] delete_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] delete_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] delete_function
[ ] delete_key_group
[ ] delete_key_value_store
[ ] delete_monitoring_subscription
[X] delete_origin_access_control
The IfMatch-parameter is not yet implemented
[ ] delete_origin_request_policy
[X] delete_public_key
IfMatch is not yet implemented - deletion always succeeds
[ ] delete_realtime_log_config
[ ] delete_response_headers_policy
[ ] delete_streaming_distribution
[ ] delete_vpc_origin
[ ] describe_function
[ ] describe_key_value_store
[ ] get_anycast_ip_list
[ ] get_cache_policy
[ ] get_cache_policy_config
[ ] get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config
[ ] get_continuous_deployment_policy
[ ] get_continuous_deployment_policy_config
[X] get_distribution
[X] get_distribution_config
[ ] get_field_level_encryption
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_profile_config
[ ] get_function
[X] get_invalidation
[X] get_key_group
[ ] get_key_group_config
[ ] get_monitoring_subscription
[X] get_origin_access_control
[ ] get_origin_access_control_config
[ ] get_origin_request_policy
[ ] get_origin_request_policy_config
[X] get_public_key
[ ] get_public_key_config
[ ] get_realtime_log_config
[ ] get_response_headers_policy
[ ] get_response_headers_policy_config
[ ] get_streaming_distribution
[ ] get_streaming_distribution_config
[ ] get_vpc_origin
[ ] list_anycast_ip_lists
[ ] list_cache_policies
[ ] list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities
[ ] list_conflicting_aliases
[ ] list_continuous_deployment_policies
[X] list_distributions
Pagination is not supported yet.
[ ] list_distributions_by_anycast_ip_list_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_cache_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_key_group
[ ] list_distributions_by_origin_request_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_realtime_log_config
[ ] list_distributions_by_response_headers_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_vpc_origin_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_web_acl_id
[ ] list_field_level_encryption_configs
[ ] list_field_level_encryption_profiles
[ ] list_functions
[X] list_invalidations
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_key_groups
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] list_key_value_stores
[X] list_origin_access_controls
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] list_origin_request_policies
[X] list_public_keys
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] list_realtime_log_configs
[ ] list_response_headers_policies
[ ] list_streaming_distributions
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_vpc_origins
[ ] publish_function
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] test_function
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_cache_policy
[ ] update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] update_continuous_deployment_policy
[X] update_distribution
The IfMatch-value is ignored - any value is considered valid. Calling this function without a value is invalid, per AWS’ behaviour
[ ] update_distribution_with_staging_config
[ ] update_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] update_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] update_function
[ ] update_key_group
[ ] update_key_value_store
[X] update_origin_access_control
The IfMatch-parameter is not yet implemented
[ ] update_origin_request_policy
[ ] update_public_key
[ ] update_realtime_log_config
[ ] update_response_headers_policy
[ ] update_streaming_distribution
[ ] update_vpc_origin