Releases and Upgrade Paths

Release Schedule

There is no fixed release schedule, although we try to release a new version every 1 or 2 weeks.

Specific release intervals will be influenced by 1) high-priority bugs, 2) number of new features and 3) maintainer availability.

Development Releases

Every commit should result in a development release, marked as Pre-releases in PyPi and with the latest-tag in DockerHub.

Versioning scheme

Moto follows a semver scheme: major.minor.patch.
  • A major releases indicates a breaking change

  • A minor release indicates a big change, but nothing breaking

  • A patch release will contain new features and bug fixes

Breaking Changes

A full list of all changes in a specific release can be found on Github:

A overview of the breaking changes between major versions:

For Moto 2.x:
  • A change in the installation method. Use pip install moto[service] to only install the required dependencies for that service, or pip install moto[all] to install all (1.x behaviour)

For Moto 3.x:
  • Removed compatibility with boto. Specifically: all service_deprecated-decorators were removed.

  • The class-decorator now resets the state before every test-method (before, the state was global - shared between class-methods).

  • ECS ARN’s now use the new (long) format by default

For Moto 4.x:
  • Removed decorators mock_dynamodb2 and mock_rds2 (they were functionally equivalent with mock_dynamodb and mock_rds since 3.x)